Breathwork Sessions
It is difficult for me to know where to begin when it comes to my own personal experiences and the life-changing transformations that breathwork has brought to my life.
One thing I am absolutely sure of is that breathwork has allowed me to live the life I have always wanted and it has allowed me to live a life that is relatively stress-free and filled with joy, peace, calm and love. You can have this too.
What is this about?
Breathwork is a powerful transformative process that supports us to clear unresolved issues, dissolve limiting decisions, freeing ourselves from the unhealthy attachment to past events, allowing us to access our essential nature.
Breathwork guides the unfolding of our full potential, generating a feeling of aliveness and a sense of inspiration as we move towards fulfilling our dreams.
Breathwork is client-focused. The client learns experientially about the unique interaction of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels of being. Through awareness and experience of the Breath, the client can bring themselves into balance and create a sense of well-being and purpose.
Australian Breathwork Association
So what is breathwork?
Breathwork has been used as a healing and transformative tool for millennia. Wherever we find a shamanic or spiritual culture, you will find some form of breathwork to help people transform and heal themselves.
Breathwork can take on many forms, from the simplest conscious breathing technique to complex energetic exchange systems; all use the breath as the tool to achieve their ends.
During a typical breathwork session, as the breath is allowed to work more intensely on the body, unhealed traumas will start to be brought to a level of consciousness where healing can begin to take place. Sometimes this can be cathartic; many times, the trauma is directly acknowledged and released.
A session can typically last from 1.5 - 2.5 hours, depending on the client's situation. There are normally next steps set at the end of the breathing session that a client is expected to undertake.
What can Breathwork do for me?
A series of breathwork sessions with Geoffrey can:
- help you remember who you are and where you have come from.
- help you remember and get in touch with your authentic self (the one that is free of the fears and traumas, the vulnerable one)
- empower you to do and be what you want to be.
- Create clarity about present issues and situations in your life to make better informed conscious decisions concerning these things.
- Help you get back in touch with your uniqueness.
- Start and accompany you on your journey of self-discovery, self-awareness, self-transformation, self-healing, self-development.
- Leave you feeling more empowered; whatever the situation you are facing, you will understand there is always something you can do. Breathe!
- Give you skills that can help you understand your life experiences until now.
- Equip you with the insights, understandings and tools to deal with everyday challenges from now on.
Regular Breathwork makes life easier by releasing and transforming traumas that have held you back and squashed your creativity and clarity.
Who is Breathwork for?
Breathwork is for anyone who:
- Feels that something is holding you back from living a fully present and joyful life.
- Feel lonely, isolated and unable to find the people and support needed to make changes in your life.
- Constantly repeats the same limiting patterns and cannot find a way to break free.
- Is looking for a mind-body therapy that will allow you to develop yourself and become a useful tool in future difficult times.
- Is wanting to understand why you are where you are in your life and move on from there with greater clarity and consciousness.
If your answer to any of the above is yes, then breathwork is for you.
It does not matter how old you are or what your condition is; as long as you are reasonably healthy, you can use breathwork to help you improve the quality of your life.
Geoffrey and breathwork
Geoffrey is a breathwork facilitator with over 20 years of experience and has successfully helped many hundreds of people to increase their levels of well-being, happiness, joy and love through the use of breathwork.
I practice a relatively straightforward but profound form of breathwork. I use a type of conscious connected breathing, which, when coupled with my experience, insights, and other techniques can help clients release many blocking traumas from their lives and gain deeper insights into where they have come from and who they truly are.
This ability of breathwork to reach quite deep/profound levels of healing very rapidly; has been Geoffrey's passion from his initial introduction back in the 1990s.
What does Geoffrey offer?
Geoffrey can offer you the following breathwork possibilities:
- A group breathwork session where at least five people breathe together. Group breathwork provides an additional dynamic to the session as there is the group's energy and the support, encouragement and challenge that this type of session can bring.
- A series of 5 individual sessions is for the first time breather or a returning breather wanting to work through a particular trauma. These sessions will typically be held at the client's residence where possible.
- A wet breathwork session. This session is performed in warm, body temperature water. This environment can help deal with intense traumas that extend back to early childhood, birth and beyond.
- An individual breathwork session. This is typically for experienced breathers who wish to work through an issue that has come up for them.
Individual and group sessions can be done indoors or outdoors, and the choice is yours.
All sessions must be pre-booked. You can book your session here: http://bit.ly/BookBreath.
My name is Geoffrey Smith. I can help you to discover a happier, more fulfilled life. Do you have the courage and commitment to do this work?
Do you have additional questions? Are you not sure this is for you and need to find out more?
Contact me to talk about what you want; click here to send me an email or phone/text me on +45 53 63 98 88. I am waiting to help and support you.