Breathwork/Åndedrætsterapi m. Dan Brulé
Trauma is often mute, as it can be formed so early in your life that there simply were no words. Therefore conversation therapy isn't always the solution. Sometimes you simply have to access those deep layers not through words but through something you did from the very beginning of it all: breathing. Breathwork can help you heal the wordless trauma.
Dan Brulé is known and respected worldwide for his pioneering in the field of Breathwork, and this April you get a chance to learn about the opportunities of this powerful approach to self-exploration and healing from the master himself.
This weekend workshop will take place from the 12th to the 14th of april 2019.
Dan is one of the creators of Breath Therapy and was among the original group of Internationally Certified Rebirthers.
Since 1970, Dan has personally trained more than 150,000 people in over 60 countries to use breath and breathing for self-improvement, self-healing, and spiritual awakening.
This weekend you will have the opportunity to learn how you can use your breath to create a deep sense of calmness and connectedness in your body, you will experience how you can expand on your senses and create a deep inner connection to who you truly are.
Dan has trained Olympic athletes, elite warriors and martial artists. He coaches leading medical experts, corporate executives, and peak performers including Tony Robbins.
He is the author of several books including “Just Breathe: Master Breathwork for Success in Life, Love, Business and Beyond.”
The practical part:
The Dan Brulé weekend will be hosted at the beautiful Moen Retreat Center surrounded by nature (
Price 5000 DKK.
The price includes room and board. The price is for sharing room with one other participant. A single room can be booked by paying an extra 300 DKK.
The food is vegetarian and primarily organic.
If you would like to join us then please contact Mie My on e-mail:
TRAUMET HAR IKKE ALTID ORD. Det kan være opstået så tidligt, at der slet ikke var nogen ord at sætte på det. Og derfor er samtaleterapi heller ikke altid vejen. Nogle gange må du søge adgang til de dybere lag - ikke gennem ord - men gennem det, der har båret dig gennem livet fra dit første øjeblik i verden: åndedrættet. Åndedrætsterapi kan hjælpe med at hele de ordløse traumer.
Dan Brule er anerkendt for sit banebrydende arbejde med åndedrætsterapi, og i april kan du møde ham på det smukke Møn Retreat Center, hvor han deler ud af sin mangeårige viden og erfaring inden for åndedrætsterapien.
Du vil få mulighed for at opleve, hvordan du kan bruge dit åndedræt til at skabe en dyb ro i kroppen, udvide dine sanser og skabe forbindelse til dig selv på et helt nyt niveau.
Siden 1970 har Dan personligt trænet mere end 150.000 mennesker i mere end 60 forskellige lande.
Dan er oprindeligt rebirther, men arbejder på tværs af forskellige former for åndedrætsterapi.
Han er forfatter til flere bøger, blandt andet bogen“Just Breathe: Master Breathwork for Success in Life, Love, Business and Beyond”.
Det praktiske:
Vi skal være på det skønne Møn Retreat Center omgivet af smuk natur (
Pris kr. 5000
Prisen er inklusiv kost og logi på to personers værelse. Ved eneværelse er der et tillæg på kr. 300.
Maden er vegetarisk og primært økologisk.
Din tilmelding er registeret, når du har indbetalt kr. 5000 på reg: 4580 konto: 12113331.
Hvis du har brug for at indbetale beløbet i rater, så bare kontakt mig, så finder vi en ordning.
Event Information
Event Date | 12-04-2019 3:00 pm |
Event End Date | 14-04-2019 3:00 pm |
Individual Price | 5,000.00kr |
Location | Møn Retreat Center |
Venue Information - Møn Retreat Center